The highlights are as follows:
- Out of 30,381 voters, only 459 voted.
- This is a 1.5% turnout, a new low.
Presidential Officers:
- President: Yeashir Ahmed.
- Vice President (North): Richi Sethi.
- Vice President (City): Amir Ramin.
- Communications & Campaigns Officer: Rishi Pancholi.
- Participation & Development Officer: Tarequl Islam Khan.
- Welfare Officer: Elliot Agbon Adu.
- Postgraduate Student Officer: Adikwu Lawrence Adoli.
- Diversity and Equality Officer: MD Aman Ullah
- Phillipe Giovanni Chiarella.
- Adikwu Lawrence Adoli.
However even those successful the candidates have a great deal of work ahead of them.
The SU must now face the issue of whether or not it can survive in the face of clear disinterest and disconnection from the students. A 1.5% participation rate is phenomenally low and well below the 5% rate at which the university can elect to de-recognise and withdraw funds from the Student Union body.
Assuming that the SU continues in some form, the participation rate makes it clear that the student body is on life support. It will have to work hard at building up recognition and trust. Hopefully it will be given the time and resources to do so.
As an outsider, I find it depressing that the turnout was so low. Perhaps this is precisely because so few candidates engaged with the major issues facing London Met students. Very few discussed the current crisis which should, surely, have been a major element of any campaign since it affects every student here? Given that nearly twice as many people are members of the Facebook 'Save London Met' group as voted, maybe the depoliticisation of the SU is the problem.